90% reduction with the perfect low carbon partners: HISTAR® and XCarb® recycled and renewably produced

ArcelorMittal International received the SGBP 4275 certificate for ArcelorMittal steel manufactured according to the ETA-10/0156 standard. With 100% scrap steel used in the electric arc furnace route, HISTAR® emits 524kg CO2/tonne for the life cycle analysis modules A1-A3.

ArcelorMittal can even go one step further in decarbonising HISTAR® steel products by manufacturing them with renewably produced electricity with the XCarb® recycled and renewably produced label. When lean design using high strength HISTAR® sections is combined with XCarb® recycled and renewably produced steel, designers can find the perfect low carbon solution. Pairing a low embodied carbon manufacturing process with high strength steel can deliver carbon reductions of up to 90% (for HISTAR® 460).

Therefore, the next step for ArcelorMittal International in Singapore is to obtain another certificate to differentiate XCarb® recycled and renewably produced (with its low CO2e emissions at 333kg CO2/tonne) from the current SGBP 4-tick certified steels at 524kg CO2/tonne.

ArcelorMittal steel awarded for its outstanding sustainability

In May 2022, ArcelorMittal International was awarded the highest rating at Singapore Green Building Council’s Leadership in Sustainability awards. The certificate acknowledges ArcelorMittal’s HISTAR® high strength structural steels for their outstanding sustainability due to the usage of 100% scrap steel and the EAF production route.

ArcelorMittal awarded the highest rating

In Singapore, as in many countries, the government is pushing hard for sustainability. Buildings in Singapore account for over 20% of carbon emissions and consume more than a third of the nation’s electricity. Singapore is already one of the most solar-dense cities in the world, but this is not enough. All efforts by companies, especially in the construction sector, must be encouraged and the most efficient solutions rewarded.

The Singapore Green Building Council’s Leadership in Sustainability awards recognise professionals, organisations, and construction projects that have made significant contributions to the development of a green, sustainable built environment.

ArcelorMittal International was among the 20 winners of the year and was awarded the highest rating.

Singapore Green Building certification for ArcelorMittal’s HISTAR®

ArcelorMittal International received the Singapore Green Building Product Certificate SGBP 4275 from Singapore Green Building Council for HISTAR®.

“This certification shows that ArcelorMittal is environmentally responsible. It is a great recognition for our efforts towards carbon neutral steel,” says Tan Yi Zhou, Technical Sales and Business Development, ArcelorMittal International. “I would also like to highlight that ArcelorMittal is the only steel supplier on the list that has structural steel beams and columns certified by SGBC with a 4-tick certificate.”

ArcelorMittal Europe Communications
