Composite beams - Design for serviceability part 2


To discuss, in more detail, the serviceability criteria introduced in Lecture 10.5.1; to elaborate on creep and shrinkage effects in concrete; to describe the development of cracking; and to examine, in detail, the Eurocode 4 serviceability requirements for composite structures [1].


The lecture provides general information on creep, shrinkage, and cracking of concrete so that the reader can orientate themselves towards the literature available.

Serviceability limit state design for cracking is discussed in detail using two different approaches: 'Deemed to satisfy' and 'explicit' methods.


This lecture provides further background information on some of the aspects of composite construction discussed in lecture Composite beams - Design for serviceability part 1. It deals, in particular, with creep, shrinkage, and cracking of concrete. It is not possible, within the confines of this lecture, to deal comprehensively with these topics - particularly that of creep; rather, it is sought to provide sufficient information to permit a reader to orientate themselves towards the available literature.

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