Publication details

Prefabricated enduring composite beams based on innovative shear transmission (Preco-Beam)

Prefabricated enduring composite beams based on innovative shear transmission (Preco-Beam)

Composite structures are gaining in importance due to the economic and versatile application. A new form of shear transmission — the composite dowel — permits composite girders without an upper steel flange and with enduring shear connection. The composite dowel is produced by cutting a rolled beam with a determined cutting-line into two parts. Due to the high degree of automation and of prefabrication shorter construction times and less amount of work are possible. However, few experiences with continuous shear connectors have been gained so far. In the frame of the project ‘Prefabricated Enduring Composite Beams based on Innovative Shear Transmission’ the economic efficiency of these composite girders — Preco-Beams — is evaluated. The bearing behaviour is analysed by Finite Element Analysis on the one hand and wide-ranging test series concerning static and cyclic bearing behaviour as well as the resistance to fire on the other hand. The results are composed in a design guide containing design rules for composite dowels in girders under bending loads in accordance with the Eurocode. It includes recommendations for the performance of Preco-Beams concerning geometry, reinforcement and fire resistance. Several applications in practice are investigated and some pilot projects are realised which leads to first references in practice

Corporate author(s):
European Commission,
Directorate-General for Research and Innovation
Private author(s):
G Seidl,
E Viefhues,
J Berthellemy seemore
Industrial research and development,
Basic metals industry, steel industry
Target audience:
Key words:
iron and steel industry,
metal structure,
building materials,
building technique,
industrial research,
research report


Details Identifiers Catalogue number Price

Publication year: 2013


ISBN: 978-92-79-24832-0

ISSN: 1831-9424

DOI: 10.2777/9363

KI-NA-25321-EN-N Free

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