EPDs at a glance in Constructalia’s EPD library

Are you looking for ArcelorMittal Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) for construction? Our EPD library contains the full range of ArcelorMittal’s EPDs for construction, including the XCarb® recycled and renewably produced range, at the touch of a button.


Published: 18 December 2023

Moving along the path of sustainable development

Based on a life cycle assessment (LCA), an EPD is an independently verified and registered document that communicates transparent and comparable information about the life-cycle environmental impact of products.

ArcelorMittal Europe has launched an ambitious programme to publish EPDs and provide construction product data in order to demonstrate our commitment to sustainable building deployment all over the world.

Vital for sustainable building certifications

EPDs are crucial for sustainable building certifications like LEED, BREEAM, DGNB, BNB, or HQE and are now being introduced into national regulations for construction. EPDs explain the optimisation potential over the lifetime of a product to decision makers and manufacturers who can utilise the information to conserve resources, resulting in a low-impact built environment and life cycle cost-effectiveness.


ArcelorMittal Europe