
of interest

The efficiency of steel can, therefore, bring new and renovated constructions up to higher standards and improve economic, social, and environmental performances. Steel has all of the attributes required by the 21st century construction sector, and its inherent adaptability makes it an attractive option for an unpredictable and rapidly changing future.

At Arcelor Mittal, we are proud to serve a full range of customers, including manufacturers and contractors, who develop systems and methods for using our products and solutions to facilitate reduced impact designs.

Steel in construction

The modern high-performance construction sector is under increasing pressure to reduce waste and increase recycling by choosing the best products and technologies currently available. With steel products and technologies being inherently low waste through all stages of their life cycle, steel has its ever-increasing significance in today’s construction sector, driven by market demand for sustainable materials and procedures of the 21st century.

Mainly, but not limited to, the major environmental benefits of steel include:

  • 100% recyclability
  • Minimum on-site waste due to high quality shop prefabrication
  • Life cycle energy savings due to insulation and air tightness of the envelope
  • A long-lasting structure that reduces the need for future building resources (zero depletion of iron resources)

A similar review of progress made in steel buildings demonstrated that:

  • Steel construction is efficient, competitive, and makes a significant contribution to society.
  • Construction can be quickly assembled using high-quality, nearly defect-free steel components that are efficiently manufactured off-site.
  • Steel framing and envelope systems allow, together with other materials, for building design with low overall environmental impacts.
  • Steel-based construction systems provide flexible spaces that have the potential to be easily modified and adapted so that the building’s life can be extended by accommodating changes in use, layout, and size.
  • At the end of a building's life, steel components can be dismantled, reused, or recycled without degradation of properties.