From Magnelis® to XCarb® Magnelis®

Magnelis® produced via the XCarb® recycled and renewably produced route has a CO2 footprint which is around 70% lower than steels produced via the conventional blast furnace route. Using XCarb® recycled and renewably produced Magnelis® will help Systemair to align with the European Union’s 2030 climate and energy framework targets.

Systemair has been using Magnelis® with an Easyfilm® coating for several years. The company’s search for a more sustainable metallic coated steel for its air handling units began at the end of 2022.

As part of their investigation, Alberto Solar (Operations Manager) and Julián Galan (Purchasing Manager) from Systemair Spain visited ArcelorMittal’s plant in Aviles. “We already knew about the excellent corrosion resistance and superior surface aspect of Magnelis®,” says Alberto Solar. “Our visit to Aviles helped convince us that XCarb® recycled and renewably produced Magnelis® was the right solution to enhance the sustainability of our products.”

About Systemair

Systemair makes a full range of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems for residential, commercial, and industrial spaces. Established in Sweden in 1974, the company now employs more than 6600 people in 51 countries around the world.

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XCarb® Magnelis® helps Systemair optimise product range

As one of the world’s leading manufacturers of ventilation systems, Systemair is aiming to enhance the sustainability of its products and processes. To achieve this goal, the company began to look for a metallic coated steel which could reduce the carbon footprint of its products. The solution was XCarb® recycled and renewably produced Magnelis® from ArcelorMittal Europe – Flat Products.


Published: 15 January 2024

Easy transition with ArcelorMittal support

Magnelis® is supplied with Easyfilm®, a thin coating which offers extra protection (including resistance to fingerprints) and improves the performance of the coated steel during forming. “XCarb® recycled and renewably produced Magnelis® will initially be used by Systemair Spain in our air handling units,” notes Alberto Solar. “Over time we will improve our general product line with the gradual introduction of these products.” Following the visit to Aviles, Systemair Spain placed their first major order for Magnelis® produced via the XCarb® recycled and renewably produced route. The order was placed through ArcelorMittal Downstream Solutions.

“The optimised stock management system employed by ArcelorMittal Downstream Solutions perfectly suits our ‘make-to-order’ factory,” explains Julián Galan. “Our ERP system accurately forecasts our demand for sheet metal well in advance. This information is transmitted directly to ArcelorMittal Downstream Solutions so they can perfectly meet our schedule.”

The partnership with ArcelorMittal Europe helped make the transition to XCarb® recycled and renewably produced Magnelis® an easy one. “The product performs exactly like Magnelis® produced via the conventional blast furnace route,” explains Alberto Solar. “Nevertheless, the Systemair team received a lot of support from ArcelorMittal. That included documentation, training, and support from ArcelorMittal’s Global R&D teams as well as the teams from ArcelorMittal Europe – Flat Products and ArcelorMittal Downstream Solutions. They make life easier for us! ArcelorMittal might be a strong player in the steel market, but it’s the people that are the most important.”

XCarb® helps meet environmental targets

ArcelorMittal’s XCarb® recycled and renewably produced steels are made in an electric arc furnace (EAF) using high levels of scrap and 100% renewable electricity. They have a CO2 footprint which is around 70% lower than steels produced via the conventional blast furnace production route. This is helping Systemair to meet its environmental targets.

“ArcelorMittal’s environmental strategy closely aligns with that of Systemair,” notes Alberto Solar. “ArcelorMittal is ahead of Systemair when it comes to decarbonisation and investments to reduce emissions. That has inspired us to discuss our environmental performance internally. Systemair has firmly decided to enhance our own environmental actions as a result. One our first initiatives is a project to develop Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) for our air handling units.”

ArcelorMittal Europe Communications
