Towards optimised decisions for resource and carbon-efficient structural design

Sustainable development within our built environment is paramount as we work to address environmental objectives and achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement on climate change. The emission of greenhouse gasses, including CO2, is an area in which the construction sector is hard at work making major changes as this sector contributes significantly to these emissions. To truly move forward, resource and carbon-efficient strategies need to be implemented at every level, including that of structural design codes.

The journal article ‘Towards optimised decisions for resource and carbon-efficient structural design’ by Hingorani and Köhler addresses this topic. With the inclusion of a case study on the design of steel beams in residential and office buildings, their article puts forth that in order to optimise the use of materials and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, structural design codes require modification and expansion with risk-informed decision making.


Published: 20 June 2023


This 2023 article is comprised of six sections:

  1. Introduction
  2. Embodied energy and carbon emissions of structures (literature review)
  3. Approaches to decision making in structural engineering (review of existing approaches)
  4. Resource and emission-saving potential of risk-informed decisions (case study)
  5. Required developments
  6. Conclusions

Journal article:
© Ramon Hingorani & Jochen Köhler (2023): Towards optimised decisions for resource and carbon-efficient structural design, Civil Engineering and Environmental Systems, DOI: 10.1080/10286608.2023.2198767.

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© OMA by Delfino Sisto Legnani and Marco Cappelletti