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Underpinning Europe’s renewable energy revolution

In this Steel Talks podcast, Laurent Plasman, Chief Marketing Officer, ArcelorMittal Europe – Flat Products Industry, discusses Europe's ambitious green energy plans, the impact this is having on the steel industry, and how ArcelorMittal is responding through innovative strategies and solutions.


Published: 23 May 2024

When does the world hit ‘peak oil’? If demand for steel plate is anything to go by, the answer to this vexed question can’t be far off. Since 2016, ArcelorMittal’s business in Europe has witnessed a steady decline in the oil and gas sector’s appetite for the steel it needs to make everything from pipelines to rigs. Happily, alongside this decline, the steel giant has seen stunning growth in demand from the renewable energy sector, and in particular wind.

Laurent explains...

ArcelorMittal Europe Communications

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ArcelorMittal Europe